Saddleback Sow: Stoneware Sculpture by Elaine Peto Saddleback Sow: Stoneware Sculpture by Elaine Peto
Saddleback Sow: Stoneware Sculpture by Elaine Peto Saddleback Sow: Stoneware Sculpture by Elaine Peto

Saddleback Sow: Stoneware Sculpture by Elaine Peto



Saddleback Sow

Price: £520

Materials: stoneware clay, oxide glazes

Dimensions:  height 27cm x width 14cm x depth 50cm

Key information: Suitable for indoors only

Shipping    £10

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We no longer ship abroad.



The Magical Animal Kingdom of Elaine Peto

Elaine Peto has spent a lifetime being inspired by the natural world. From her studio in Hampshire she studies animal behaviour, their forms and characteristics. Elaine's portfolio includes ceramic sculptures of farm and wild animals and even sea creatures. She specialises in creating one-off pieces using textured stoneware and porcelain clay.

My aim is to capture the essence of the beast

We are delighted to welcome Elaine to our contemporary fold of exceptional artists.


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